
Many people want to look as young as they feel inside. Sagging of the facial skin gets them down.

A facelift is by far the most effective method to tighten the skin of your face. In facelift procedures thorough expert knowledge and experience will allow your specialist facial surgeon to choose the right technique suitable for your individual anatomy, and to tailor this technique to your needs.

In experienced hands, it takes 2-3 hours to do a facelift. Most surgeons perform facelift procedures under a general anaesthetic; however analgo-sedation is also possible.


Many patients complain of sagging of the middle third of their face. Facial volume is lost, especially at the cheeks, the naso-labial folds deepen, cheek oedema and marionettes-lines develop.


A mid face lift is most commonly performed via a short approach in front of the ear, and in the hair bearing skin above it.

In milder mid face sagging and in good skin quality, skin tightening and excision might produce an excellent result. However, some faces require tightening of the muscles too.


Duration of operation: 2-3 hours
Anesthetic: usually general anaesthetic
Hospital stay: 1 or 3 overnight stays
Removal of sutures: 6 or 12 days postop
Ok to go out: 1 to 2 weeks postop


Lower Face Lift

With ageing many people feel bothered by jowls, which hide their jaw line. A lower facelift is the most effective procedure to take care of this complaint.

In some faces, the combination of a lower facelift with a chin implant brings amazing results.


A lower face lift is usually performed via an incision starting in front of the ear lobe, continuing in the crease behind the ear and from there into the hair bearing skin behind the ear.

For better longevity, it is often sensible to not only tighten the slag skin, but also dealing with sagging of the muscle.


Duration of operation: 2-3 hours
Anesthetic: usually general anaesthetic
Hospital stay: 1 or 3 overnight stays
Removal of sutures: 6 or 12 days postop
Ok to go out: 1 to 2 weeks postop